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Sea Sevilla has an extensive background in the 3D world, working with some of the most famous world renowned artists of our time. But it wasn’t until a couple of years ago when an injury had her rethink and adapt to a whole new medium: painting. Diving into the 2D world wasn’t an easy task for Sevilla, as she has a predisposition to “feel” everything around her, but painting has taught her a new way of exploring and expressing herself. That’s how the animal kingdom came to be; a quick study on how to paint with different colors and textures. In this series Sevilla explores her ability and understanding in the power of illusion. 

“We live in a 3D world, where everything can be felt and studied from every angle. With painting, everything is an illusion - a trick on the eye- which hasn’t been easy to adapt to. I wanted this series to reflect my ability to capture real life likeness onto canvas, just as well as I am capable of doing in bronze”.